Measures Adopted to Decrease COVID-19 Transmission
- We ensure that employees and customers are aware of compliance with the rules: hand washing, respiratory etiquette, personal and environmental hygiene.
Our employees:
- Know the measures contained in the Contingency Plan and know how to act before a suspected case of COVID-19;
- We comply with safety recommendations and report situations of non-compliance with the implemented measures to the competent authorities, which may condition a danger to Public Health;
- We comply with safety recommendations and report situations of non-compliance with the implemented measures to the competent authorities, which may condition a danger to Public Health;
- We wash our hands between each client;
- We use the mask correctly, during the work period in a space with multiple people, respecting the hygiene and safety conditions during its placement, use and removal. We contemplate the need to replace the mask, adopting good usage practices. The use of a mask does not replace other preventive measures, such as the recommended physical distance, which must be maintained
- We guarantee that the arrangement of tables and chairs in the establishment allows a distance of at least 2 meters between all people;
- We maintain, whenever possible, a distance of 2 meters from customers and other employees;
- We place the plates, glasses, cutlery and other utensils on the tables in the presence of the customer who is going to use them and ensure their hygiene and packaging;
- The dishes used by customers are washed in the washing machine with detergent, at an elevated temperature (80-90ºC);
- Franco’s Corner employees did not come into contact with exposed and ready-to-eat foods with their own hands. Suitable utensils are used, such as napkins, spatulas, tongs, single-use gloves or dispensing equipment;
- The same pair of gloves is used only for one task and is replaced if damaged or if the employee interrupts the task. If an employee is performing the same task continuously, the gloves are replaced every four hours or whenever necessary
Our customers:
In order to contribute to limiting the transmission of COVID-19, all customers must ensure the following measures:
In order to contribute to limiting the transmission of COVID-19, all customers must ensure the following measures:
- Hand hygiene with alcohol-based solution or with soap and water at the entrance and exit of the establishment (before the meal, hand washing with soap and water should be privileged);
- Respect the distance between people of at least 2 meters (except cohabitants);
- Comply with respiratory etiquette measures;
- Consider the use of a mask in take-away services, always using it appropriately in accordance with the recommendations of the DGS;
- Avoid touching unnecessary surfaces and objects;
- In the act of payment, for the protection of users, non-contact ways must be used (such as computer applications or contactless cards) or, if coins and bank notes are used, hands must be sanitized after handling;